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Inspire.Create.Challenge #150 | CASE the Designer...


First of all, my sincere apologies to you all.  I somehow missed this week's challenge, I had convinced myself challenge #149 had another week to run.  So without further ado, here are this week's inspiration.

I shall be leaving this challenge open for a few extra days to give you time to create, I do hope you will join in and again, I apologise for my fried brain!

You can enter the challenge by clicking on the linky tools link below!



• Entries must be along the challenge theme and please create new projects

• Link your entry directly to the blog post or other gallery

• Ensure you mention Inspire.Create.Challenges in your blog post and link back to us

• When you enter don't forget to request to be one of our Inspire.Create.Challenges Pinterest Board Collaborators. Drop us a message HERE!

• We reserve the right to remove any links that do not comply with our guidelines

• You may combine our challenge with up to 3 others

• Please use your full name as the caption under the picture, not your website name 

• Challenge will close at 12 midnight on 7 September 2023. We are based in the UK, to convert this time to your own time zone see our Schedule

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Hi there. I can't see a linky tool to upload my card for this week's challenge - is there a problem with the site?

  2. Apologies this will be resolved shortly.
