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Inspire.Create.Challenge #039 | Theme Challenge

Welcome! I'm excited to share the our new challenge is themed! It is a bit unique and I can't wait to see what you all come up with! The theme is Pets!

The Design Team have come together to give you some inspiration. We hope they spark an idea and you link you project with us! Check out what we have created for you!






For those entering the challenge, please use your Full Name as the Caption.... this makes it much easier for us to announce a winner. Thanks


•        Entries must be along the challenge theme and please create new projects
•        Link your entry directly to the blog post or other gallery
•        Ensure you mention Inspire.Create.Challenges in your blog post and link back to us
•        When you enter don't forget to request to be one of our Inspire.Create.Challenges Pinterest Board Collaborators. Drop us a message HERE!
•        We reserve the right to remove any links that do not comply with our guidelines
•        Challenge will close at 10PM on 31th March. We are based in the UK, to convert this time to your own time zone see our Schedule

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