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Inspire.Create.Challenge #130 | Sketch Challenge

 Hello. Welcome to Inspire.Create.Challenge for challenge 130. Before we get to the challenge, I just want to add a little note. 

For the past 5 years, I (Hannah) have been writing these blog posts and setting the challenges... well, today is my very last one. I am very very excited to let you know that this isn't the end for Inspire.Create as I hand it over to the ever so wonderful Jo Blackman. I wish Jo all the best in running the blog, I know that I am leaving the challenge in very safe hands. 

I would just like to take this opportunity to say a massive THANK YOU to all of the Inspire.Create Design Team members, past and present, who have done a fabulous job, and to every single person who has joined in, left a comment, or simply visited the blog over the years.

This isn't the end (and I'm hoping its not goodbye), and I hope that you all continue to support Inspire.Create and Jo in this new phase of the blog.

This time, we have a slightly scary sketch challenge....

Let's get some inspiration from our fabulous Design Team....

• Entries must be along the challenge theme and please create new projects
• Link your entry directly to the blog post or other gallery
• Ensure you mention Inspire.Create.Challenges in your blog post and link back to us
• When you enter don't forget to request to be one of our Inspire.Create.Challenges Pinterest Board Collaborators. Drop us a message HERE!
• We reserve the right to remove any links that do not comply with our guidelines
• You may combine our challenge with up to 3 others
• Please use your full name as the caption under the picture, not your website name 
• Challenge will close at 10PM on 30th November 2022. We are based in the UK, to convert this time to your own time zone see our Schedule

Winner | Inspire.Create.Challenge #129

 Hello! Welcome to Inspire.Create today.... we will get to our very special 130th challenge shortly, but first we need to announce the winner of Challenge 129


Thank you for sharing your cards with us!

Please feel free to add this badge to your blog and share our challenges with the Hashtag #INSPIRECREATECHALLENGES and request to join our Pinterest board too...

We would love to see you play along with our next challenge!  New challenges are released every other Sunday at 10am UK time, so the next one is coming in a couple of hours!

Don't forget to subscribe to Inspire.Create.Challenges to be notified of new challenges and winners!

See you in a couple of hours!

Inspire.Create.Challenge #129 | Theme Challenge

 Hello! Welcome to Inspire.Create.Challenge! I am super exciting for this week's theme... its almost CHRISTMAS!

Hannah McCurley

• Entries must be along the challenge theme and please create new projects
• Link your entry directly to the blog post or other gallery
• Ensure you mention Inspire.Create.Challenges in your blog post and link back to us
• When you enter don't forget to request to be one of our Inspire.Create.Challenges Pinterest Board Collaborators. Drop us a message HERE!
• We reserve the right to remove any links that do not comply with our guidelines
• You may combine our challenge with up to 3 others
• Please use your full name as the caption under the picture, not your website name 
• Challenge will close at 10PM on 16th November 2022. We are based in the UK, to convert this time to your own time zone see our Schedule

Winner | Inspire.Create.Challenge #128

 Hello! Welcome to Inspire.Create.Challenge this week. We had some fabulously spooky entries to last weeks challenge! The Design Team voted and this weeks winner is....


Thank you for sharing your cards with us!

Please feel free to add this badge to your blog and share our challenges with the Hashtag #INSPIRECREATECHALLENGES and request to join our Pinterest board too...

We would love to see you play along with our next challenge!  New challenges are released every other Sunday at 10am UK time, so the next one is coming in a couple of hours!

Don't forget to subscribe to Inspire.Create.Challenges to be notified of new challenges and winners!

See you in a couple of hours!